News from the Nations Welcome/Croeso/Fáilte Welcome to Adoption UK's first youth focused News from the Nations. The past year has been filled with lots of ups and downs, but we have managed to stay in touch and for some even become a whizz at filters on Zoom meetings! In this update, we wanted to share with you some of the fantastic things that have been happening for adopted children and young people across the UK. England Family activitiesWe have been connecting with children and young people through family fun days and activities. Before lockdown we were running WOW events for families. We have been to Alton Towers water park, the Panto (Oh no you didn’t, oh yes, we did!), on walks, go-karting, a day of Bear Grylls and lots, lots more. Since March last year many of our activities for the family have gone online. We have held loads of sessions for members including in the school holidays and at the weekend. These have included magic show, gymnastics, art and music sessions, bingo and a disco. Family CampWe have run family camps for 5 years. It has been a great opportunity for adults, children and young people to get together whilst enjoying the outdoor life. InfluencingYoung people in England spoke with the Children’s Minister, Vicky Ford and told her what they wanted to see changed about adoption. For more information about activities in England please email [email protected] Northern Ireland Banter ProjectWe are delighted to have launched our 'Banter project', following on from our regular 'adopted teens' meet-ups & the 'Summer Film Camp' week. We are providing the opportunity for social meet-ups on virtual platforms and engaging in face to face activities to connect with other adopted young people (14-25yrs), between now & November. We hope that everyone involved will tell us what they'd like to see happening & what we can do next. Steering groupWe really want young people to steer our work and services so we're asking for participation throughout the year & beyond this project to help guide our services. This might be a dedicated meeting or may just be part of our regular meet-ups. Would you like to get involved with our Banter Project? Our next meeting is Wed 24th March 6.30-8pm Email EJ now to find out more: [email protected] Scotland Over the last couple of years young people here have been involved in influencing how they are helped. They attended The ‘Voices of Adopted Young People Conference’. Adopted young people were excited to speak directly to First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, and added their voices to the First Ministers 1000 Voices Campaign. Families have been doing some fantastic activities such as riding on the Santa Train, hunting Easter eggs, trips to parks, hiking trips, a day out at Blair Drummond Safari Park AND residential weekends. Since March last year have held online holiday clubs with gymnastics, magic shows, drama and music. Who could forget Magic Gareth and Farooq setting himself on fire! Our older adopted young people have also been able to meet for several quizzes they have created themselves and during lockdown easing taken part in outdoors activities and horse shenanigans as they work towards qualifications with the British Horse Society. Over Easter we are holding a pizza making workshop. Want to come along? Book here If you want to know more about further events, get in touch with Simon at: [email protected] Wales Connected - Youth Activity GroupsYouth workers have been running groups each week for children and young people. They tell workers what activities they want to do and how we can help them. We have been climbing, made slime & bath bombs, and loads more but since March last year we have moved to online sessions. We have run circus skills, quizzes, animal encounters, graffiti workshops, coding and lots more activities that young people have asked for. Over the next few months we are planning more activities and would love to hear what you would like us to do so far. We have already been asked for digital music, anime self portraits, understanding elections for 16+ (first time voters) & creative writing. CONNECT Voices & Our AmbassadorsOur older young people told us they wanted to advise people who make decisions about adoption & more. So, our aged 18+ young people have started their very own Adoption Youth Council. This is where young people help us change how we work so we can get better at meeting adopted young people’s needs. We are also starting a Voices 14 + this month. Would you like to come to Connected? Or be part of our Adoption Youth Councils? Find out more here or email [email protected] Our Word Search definitions Advocacy – where an adult supports you speak up for yourself Connected – A Youth Service in Wales supportingadopted young people that has young people atthe heart of its work (Youth) Council - a group where adopted youngpeople are listened to and help to shape their ownsupport Website -where young people can create contentabout issues affecting them to share with otherslike them Buddy – where young people are supported by anolder young person who has had similarexperiences to them Family activities – events that involve your wholefamily Banter - Northern Ireland's project to support andlisten to adopted young people age 14-25 years School support - One-to-one support for childrenand young people around their specific needs Specialist (service) - support from someone withexpertise in your area of need (Youth) activities - events that get young peopletogether Manage Cookie Preferences