Together we’re family. We look out for each other. If you need support immediately, here’s what to do. 


If you think someone is in immediate danger, call 999

  • If you’re a child and you’re worried about yourself or someone else, call Childline’s 24-hour support service on 0800 11 11. It’s free, confidential and won't show up on your phone bill. You can also talk to Childline online: Chat online 
  • If you’re an adult and you’re worried about yourself, call The Samaritans for 24 hour, free and confidential support on 116 123 
  • You can also refer to your local children’s services for help, advice and safeguarding concerns. You can refer yourself or others this way 


There are lots of ways Adoption UK can help, too

  • Call our information and support line: 0300 666 0006 - Our information and support line advisers offer practical suggestions, information and encouragement, or can point you in the right direction for specialist help. Anyone is welcome to call including adoptees, adopters, kinship carers and their support network. Visit our information and support line page for open hours and more information.
  • We’re stronger together – join our community for amazing support from people like you who get it.  

  • Find out about our services and training via the ‘Services and support’ menu above

  • Join our forum for peer support and advice

And just to let you know…we have a safeguarding policy which describes what we do to keep people safe.