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Connected is the name of a bespoke service for adopted children age 7- 10, young people age 11 – 25 years old, and an 18-25 year old group.

The monthly groups aim to improve children and young peoples’ self-confidence, build self-esteem and reduce the sense of isolation which some adopted children experience and also develop life skills. This is achieved by offering a range of activities such as art, drama, circus skills, healthy eating/cooking and music sessions to name but a few.

As well as fun and creative activities, the young people age 11- 25 years old are also offered the opportunity to help produce material for their peers; to speak to professionals and prospective adopters about their experiences as adopted people and to have their voices and opinions heard by wider society. The service is provided through a unique collaboration between Adoption UK and the five regional adoption services of Wales and is funded by grants from Welsh Government.

As we know, some adopted children can struggle to attend group activities where the numbers are high, staff and venues continually change, and where there are excessive noise levels and/or pressure on them to perform. This can cause anxiety, stress and a reluctance to join in. Connected seeks to address these difficulties by ensuring our staff and venues remain as constant as we can; staff are trained to understand and support the needs of adopted children in the group environment, so they feel safe and supported to build relationships with staff and their peers.

These monthly sessions are offered in Cardiff, Swansea, South East, Mid & West and North Wales.

Want to know more? If you are interested in our existing groups or would like to express interest in a group starting in your area, please complete our Enquiry Form, or download the form below and send to [email protected], or call the number below and request a form by post. For more information on the Children and Young People Service, please visit the Connect Cymru website .

Enquiry Form - English

Enquiry Form - Welsh

Alternatively if you have any questions or queries about the service, please contact our Cardiff office [email protected].