Journey to Adoption, a sample of the AUK Passport's Learning Programme.

You have been invited to sample the content of the AUK Passport Learning Programme, as an introduction of what is available through this scheme of enhanced membership.

There are 10 learning modules in the programme and each module is laid out in the same way. You are encouraged to progress through it at your own pace and don't feel obliged to watch all the webinars if they're not relevant to your own adoption journey.

  • Start with the module guide video.
  • When you’ve watched the video you can download the module guide PDF, which includes:
    • A transcript of the video, with all the useful information for you to keep for future reference.
    • You will also find some reflective learning questions to help you take stock of your thoughts, feelings and emotions at this stage in the journey.
  • Following on from here you will find a selection of supporting materials to aid your understanding of this area of the adoption journey. These include useful and relevant pre-recorded webinars, factsheets and blog articles.
  • Usually each module ends with a simple online questionnaire for you to complete, to enable us to track your progress as you make your way through the programme. We've removed that for this sample.

Please take your time to absorb as much information about your Journey to Adoption, utilise as much of the supporting materials as is relevant to your journey and remember that you can revisit all of this content at anytime when you are a member of Adoption UK.

Module Guide video – Journey to Adoption: Watch below!

Download Module Guide PDF – Journey to Adoption:


Supporting Materials:

Webinars – Please take the time to watch as many of these as you feel is relevant to your adoption journey. Everyone is different and many of these first hand experiences may help you to think about aspects of adoption you’d not yet considered.

Not all of the webinars are available to you in this sample module, but you can see the vast array of useful topics on offer: 

A Journey through foster to adopt

Adopting with birth children

Embarking on adoption after infertility

Being a prospective adopter

Inter-country adoption

Adopting siblings

Adopting an older child

Adopting older siblings

Lesson in lockdown as a single adopter

Factsheets and articles:

Adopting your step child

Adopting as a single parent

Adopting your foster child

Inter-country adoption

Special Guardianship orders

Adopting as a single man – blog post

Birth children and adoption online article

Being gay is not an option – blog post

Books in our Lending library:

In the full version of the AUK Passport Learning Programme, each module has a selection of books that are available to borrow, below are some of the titles that you'd be able to borrow once you are a fully registered member:

Adopting A Child – A definitive guide to adoption in the UK

Adopting on your own: The complete guide to adopting as a single parent

Approaching Fatherhood: A guide for Adoptive Dads and others

Great answers to difficult questions about adoption

Lesbian and Gay fostering and adoption: Extraordinary yet ordinary

Preparing for Adoption

The unofficial guide to Adoptive parenting

Don't forget that if you have enjoyed sampling the AUK Passport Learning programme get in touch with your Adoption Agency to ask about funded places for full membership.