

We offer a wide range of training sessions for parents of adopted children, teachers, and professionals working with adoptive families. From connective parenting and non-violent resistance to online safety and more, these sessions give participants the opportunity to learn new skills or brush up old ones.

Each session is delivered by one of our expert trainers, many of whom are adopters themselves – so they know from experience what parents and professionals need. We also work with external agencies for individual sessions and webinars throughout the year.

Here’s what some participants had to say after attending one of our training sessions:

‘Everyone I spoke with said it was one of the best sessions they had been to, and they all commented on how well it was delivered’

‘Thank you so much for your help and information...without this (my child) wouldn't be improving’

Find out more about the range of courses we offer for families and professionals
See what we’ve got coming up and book your place on a training session 

FASD Training

FASD Hub Scotland offers training to adoptive, biological, fostering and kinship families caring for an individual with an FASD diagnosis or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). We also offer training to professionals, including those working in education, social care, health and the third sector. All our training is delivered by members of our team who have lived experience or a professional knowledge of FASD. Our training includes our What is FASD? course and a range of sessions for caregivers and educators.

Details of our workshops can be found on our social media 

And on the FASD Hub Scotland Eventbrite page