
The #E Project was launched in summer 2021 to engage with and empower people who have been adopted, live in kinship care, or have FASD.

Through the #E Project, we aim to create a community of all ages where participants can collectively grow their confidence and learn new skills in a welcoming and safe environment.

Those who take part in the project will be fully supported through monthly sessions to realise their full potential. This includes developing life skills tailored to age-specific transitions such as moving from primary to secondary school, entering further or higher education, or going from education to employment. There will also be the opportunity to take part in creative activities such as photography, filmmaking and digital design. You can read the #E Project zine below:

#E Project - Spring edition .PDF

#E Project - Autumn edition .PDF

Older participants will have the opportunity to join our Youth Advisory Board, where they will be able to have an input into the running of Adoption UK Scotland’s services for young people and learn how to make their voices heard by decision-makers and politicians. Every participant will be supported throughout their time on the project by our youth and community workers, all of whom are experienced in working with individuals of all ages and with varying needs.

The #E Project is split into four age groups: nine and under, 10-13, 14-17 and 18+. If you, or a child you care for, are interested in taking part please fill in our signup form up by clicking on this link:

Sign up here

We also run a special Employability Matters group for people seeking to improve their jobseeking skills. This group is currently open to anyone aged 16-24 who lives in Edinburgh and is adopted, in kinship care or has FASD. For more information about Employability Matters, or if you have any enquiries about the #E Project, please get in touch with us at [email protected]

Our project leaders are creating resources and guides that will be of use to our participants and the wider community. Access these via the link below.

#E Project Resources

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#Engage #Empower #Educate #Evolve #EmployabilityMatters

The #E Project is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund through Young Start and Awards for All, helping ensure all children grow up loved, safe, respected and able to realise their full potential.