Seeking a FASD diagnosis can feel overwhelming when faced with understanding what is required and the diagnostic pathway to follow. These resources contain lots of helpful information to equip you on your journey and arm yourself with knowledge. 

For those professional involved in the diagnosis of FASD you can find information and training relevant to you by visiting the Fetal Alcohol Advisory Support & Training (FAAST) Team’s website - https://www.faast.ed.ac.uk/

SIGN 156: Children and young people exposed prenatally to alcohol
This website gives an introduction to the SIGN 156 Guidelines and links to further resources 

SIGN 156 Full Guideline 
Clinical guidance for those involved in the FASD diagnostic pathway. 

SIGN FASD Parent and Carer Handbook 
A must-have resource for families seeking an FASD diagnosis, giving information on who and what the assessment involves. 

Children’s Neurodevelopmental Pathway – Practice Framework 
This document set out the measure used in FASD assessment, alongside a number of other neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD and Autism. 

FASD Hub also have a number of factsheets on diagnosis – you can find them here.