Pupil Premium What is the Pupil Premium? Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools in England to raise the attainment of eligible pupils and narrow the attainment gap between them and their peers. Pupil Premium is £2,300 per eligible child, per year. You can read more about Pupil Premium on the Government's website here: https://bit.ly/2ZKkiCa You might also find our FAQ document helpful. You can also download our information leaflet on Pupil Premium Plus here Why do adopted children need extra support in school? All adopted children have experienced loss and many have experienced trauma in their early lives. 70 per cent of those adopted in 2009-10 entered care due to abuse or neglect. Adoption offers bright futures for children from care, but it does not erase their past. 80 per cent of adoptive parents represented in our research said that their child needs more support than their peers and nearly two thirds (59 per cent) said their child is always trying to catch up in school and make up for their early life experiences. Adopted children's early experiences can have a lasting impact, particularly at school. Therefore teachers and schools have a vital role to play in helping these children emotionally, socially and academically by providing specific support to raise their attainment and address their wider needs. How we brought about support for adopted children in school Our members regularly tell us that their adopted children need extra support in school. We have persistently campaigned for additional support to be available to all adopted children in school in the UK. Our campaigning was rewarded and in 2013 it was announced that children adopted since December 2005 would be eligible for Pupil Premium funding. This positive step was the first recognition that many adopted children have additional needs in school. However, the arbitrary cut-off date meant that approximatey 15,000 older adopted children in England would miss out on vital support. In our research nearly two thirds (64 per cent) of parents said that the teenage years are or were the most difficult time for their child at school. We used this evidence to campaign for all adopted children in school, particularly older children, to have access to support in education. Our influencing was successful and In July 2014 the Pupil Premium was extended to all children adopted from care in England. Continuing to fight for support With your support we continue to lobby for all adopted children in school across the UK to have access to ring-fenced support in education. Manage Cookie Preferences