The Psychology and Therapy Hub (PATH) team is a combination of psychologists, therapists and peer experts-by-experience, coming together to deliver PATH’s unique blend of theoretical, clinical and peer support.

Our team draw from a range of approaches including:

  • psychological therapies
  • therapeutic parenting
  • non-violent resistance
  • DDP (dyadic development psychology)
  • therapeutic life story work
  • attachment and trauma-informed frameworks
  • sensory integration


Peer Support

It is well established that adoptive families benefit from the support of people who have the direct experience of parenting an adopted child. This peer support is invaluable and supplements the support on offer from the practitioners.

Our Parent Support Partners are experienced adopters recruited and employed by Adoption UK, and have been fully trained to deliver support. This person will be available for the family to discuss the issues, be a listening ear and offer empathy and emotional support and help the family to review their parenting style.


"It is so good to be able to speak to someone who understands and let us know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Other people try to help but having someone who has walked the same path is such a big support."


"I am forever grateful to my parent partner for just listening, understanding and getting it. She has given me the confidence to feel that I am being a positive advocate for our daughter, as well as understanding the impact it has on birth children."


"My parent partner sessions were invaluable and it really helped me to talk with someone with the dynamic of the relationship struggles between an adopted and birth child. Our discussions were very frank and honest and really helped my well being too."