Previous FASD Months FASD Think Differently Our theme in 2021 was ‘FASD Think Differently’ and if you have been following our social media you will have noticed our #FASDthinkDifferently hashtag. Why think differently? This reflects the way that individuals with FASD think differently, and that those who parent and support them need to change their expectations and think differently too. We also want to celebrate the success of individuals with FASD and show that they can achieve great things when we all ‘think differently’ Watch our brand new FASD animation, the first of it's kind in the UK 'FASD Makes Me, Me'. #FASDMakesMeMe #FASDAnimation Now you have met Charlie, download a colouring sheet and add some colour to their day! Colouring Sheet 1 Colouring Sheet 2 Colouring Sheet 3 Colouring Sheet 4 Manage Cookie Preferences