Superhero Saturdays

We know how tough things are for families at the moment and we are really pleased to be able to offer additional support to Adoption UK members.

The below family friendly activities have been set up to help provide you with something to do together with your family in the coming weeks and months - every other Saturday. 

Please note that these sessions will be Zoom Meetings and you will have the option to be seen on camera. You don't have to switch your camera on, except for some sessions such as Singo - which will only work with you being able to be seen by the host. Any concerns please email: [email protected] 

The name you register with will be visible to other participants.  If you do not wish for your name to be displayed, please use a pseudonym.

Don't forget that you need to login to your members account on the website first - before you will be able to access the 'Book Now' buttons for the below events!

Saturday 2nd April at 1pm - Singo Bingo with Shane 

Book now - click here

It’s bingo but with a lockdown, musical, cyber twist.

The game is hosted on Zoom. Each player will be emailed their own PDF SINGO card and an instruction video of how to play. Numbers are replaced with songs and singers, and while your online host Shane sings and plays piano live, you tap along, be entertained and cross of boxes on your individual SINGO cards.

No, of course not. But it is called SINGO and so it is happily encouraged. The same goes with dancing. Feel free to sing or dance as you wish.

The theme for this family fun session is 'BEST OF SINGO", so expect some rock classics, lots of 80's cheese, 'rock n roll' golden oldies, TV and Film themes, DISNEY, bit of classical and all sorts......

Listen to the music, cross the songs off and have loads of fun!