Vicky Round Virtual Roundtable imageFour young adopted people met Children’s Minister Vicky Ford yesterday to discuss the challenges they face because of their difficult start in life. 

Vicky Ford, the Minister who decides the policies that govern the adoption system, was keen to meet the young people to explore three main issues: the impact of Covid on their lives; their experiences of education and the support they receive for their mental health. 

The meeting was organised by Adoption UK, and attended by its CEO, Sue Armstrong Brown. She said:

These adopted young people made the most of this incredible opportunity to make an impression on someone with significant authority in the government. They demonstrated admirably how much there is to gain from listening to young people. This is very timely, given the forthcoming Care Review.

14 year old C said:

I’m on a high. I can’t wait to do more to get across the views of adopted people.

The young people ended the meeting by telling the Minister what they'd do if they had her job: give adopted children a social worker until they're 18; make CAMHS available until the age of 25; build awareness of adoption in secondary schools and with the police; and give all teachers the right training to equip them to support vulnerable children.

The Minister described the four as ‘awesome young people’ and committed to taking forward their suggestions within the government departments for education and health.