We know it can be frustrating when signing up for something isn't very smooth, so we've made this page to guide you through the process from start to finish. It should only take 10 - 15 minutes to complete your sign up.

The sign up process step by step

  • Fill in a sign up form
  • Make your secure payment
  • Check your email for a welcome email (this can take a few mins to arrive, time to make a cuppa!)
  • Create your online account (link in welcome email)
  • Set your password (you will receive another email with a link to do this)
  • Log in with your email address and password
  • Accept our terms and conditions
  • Access your members area (you will be able to see tiles with photos and descriptors if you are logged in)

How to sign up for membership video tutorial



If you have followed the above guide and still cannot log in, it could be because you have already got an online account from a past interaction with our website. For example, maybe you bought something from our shop or signed up to an event, but you've forgotten your password. You will therefore get stuck at the setting password step. Try logging in, but clicking 'forgot password' to reset your password. See video guide below.

Still need help?

No problem! Get in touch with our team at [email protected] with as much information as possible including which step you are stuck at and screenshots (if possible).