Nick Johns has run a number of half marathons for Adoption UK and raised over £4,000 to support our work. 

Why did you first decide to fundraise for Adoption UK?

I'm the father of two beautiful children through adoption and, for me, fundraising for Adoption UK is a great way of celebrating this! I've run five races for Adoption UK now and, at the start line of each one, I've felt so much pride to be wearing the Adoption UK colours and to know that I am doing my bit to spread the word about the charity's fantastic work.

How did you decide upon your chosen fundraising activity?

I'm certainly not a natural athlete. My PE teacher once wrote on my report that "what I lack in ability, I more than make up for in enthusiasm". Now, as an adult, that's how I've always approached running. It may not be pretty but, my goodness, I enjoy myself. Forcing myself off the sofa ad into my trainers has led me to run four marathons and nearly twenty half marathons. I can honestly say that I've loved almost every single step of every single one.

What are your top fundraising tips?

How does fundraising for Adoption UK make you feel?