Name: Emma, LGBTQ+ Community Group Co-ordinator

Instagram Handle: @familym_m

I've been a parent since: June 2020

  1. What’s the most special part of being a parent? 

For me it has to be the way our daughter reacts when she sees me! I get a big wide smile alongside a shout of ‘MummiE’ which can also sometimes be twinned with a little happy wiggle 🥰 Knowing that she knows who I am and that it makes her happy is something I do not take for granted. 

     2. What’s the biggest myth about LGBTQ+ parenting? 

That there will be a lack of opposite gender role models. Just because we are a same-sex female couple doesn’t me we only have female friends! Our daughter has lots of male role models within our family and friendship circles. 

     3. What do you wish you had been told at the start of your parenting journey? 

How literally overnight your ‘adult’ time is condensed into a couple of hours on an evening and into a nap time if you’re lucky to get one! 

     4. What was the hardest and the best part about your adoption journey? 

The hardest part was the waiting and having no control over how fast or slow things could move forward! The best part was definitely the day we met our daughter for the first time on day one of Introductions. 

     5. What’s the one thing you want your child/children to know? 

I’ve been a parent since June 2020 and I want our daughter to know just how much she is loved, not just by us, but by all our family and friends, by her foster carer and social worker. She is one special girl who has won the hearts of many who will always be there for her. 

     6. What would you say to anyone considering adoption? it, but make sure you get lots of sleep beforehand!!!