What should (English) schools be doing with PP+ during this time? All forms of Pupil Premium, including PP+, are designed to reduce the attainment gap caused by disadvantage. In the case of adopted and previously looked after children, the relevant disadvantage is related to adverse early life experience, care experience and the impact of that on cognitive, social, emotional and physical development. During partial school closures, PP+ should continue to be used to overcome this disadvantage and raise attainment, but schools may choose to be more creative in how it is used, especially if it was previously being used to fund provision that is no longer available because of Covid-19 restrictions (e.g. extra-curricular activities, 1-1 support). For instance, children may need to be provided with additional equipment to support learning at home or at school or may benefit from specific interventions and small group (online or in person) support academically, socially and emotionally. Parents and guardians should contact the Designated Teacher at their child’s school if they have any questions or suggestions about how PP+ is being used. Manage Cookie Preferences