Peer Mentors What do mentors do? Mentors are there to give support, sharing of experience and encouragement to potential and experienced adopters as they move through the adoption process from assessment through to placement and beyond. Their goal is to help families through an emotionally challenging period so that they: Feel like someone understands them and is genuinely able to see from their perspective without judging them; Feel able to handle the trials and tribulations of the process and stick with it; Have a sense of confidence about what they are about to embark on – confident that they can access the support and information they need when they need it; To provide emotional support and encouragement for adopters To sign-post to local support To share experiences and successes to help adopters as they deal with transitions, contact issues, challenging behaviours and other challenges around their adopted children What skills and experience do you need? Mentors will bring their own adopter experience to the role and offer support and encouragement to adopters as they move through the adoption journey. We are looking variety of mentors with range of experiences and skills, for example, Interpersonal skills – able to listen and empathise, build relationships, convey information with sensitivity, can judge the mood of a situation and act accordingly. Knowledge of the adoption process - in your local area, knowledge of the adoption reforms nationally and how they apply locally, knowledge of the key sources of advice and information (including on entitlements) – able to point adopters to the information they need as and when they need it. Knowledge of common adoption challenges - regardless of personal experience, be able to talk about and empathise with common adoption challenges e.g. education, family & friends view on a child’s behaviour and parenting, contact etc. Manage Cookie Preferences