Adoption UK - 50th Anniversary

Adoption UK 50 Years logoAdoption UK is 50! 

50 is a big milestone, and an opportunity to pause, reflect and plan for the futureFor 50 years we have supported, advocated, championed and been there for adoptive families around the UK.

Today our cause is as clear and compelling as ever; to secure the right support at the right time for the children at the heart of every adoptive and kinship care family.  

For Adoption UK, this all began in 1971, when Elvis Presley and The Jackson 5 were in the charts, a gallon of petrol was 33p and two adopters starting running a voluntary organisation from their homes, for adopted children with special needsAdoption has changed a lot since then, and so have we. 

Contact us at [email protected]

Emma and familyLike many, myself and my wife Ann came to adoption after experiencing failed fertility treatment and for us this included a miscarriage. Our adoption journey began in 2018 when we made our initial call to the armed forces charity SSAFA.

We went to approval panel in September 2019, paused while we moved house, and were linked with a child just before the pandemic hit.

Thankfully, we went to matching panel and introductions took place a week later in June 2020.

Bringing D home during various lockdowns and restrictions was definitely something we could never have expected and certainly made our experience as first-time parents more isolating as we were not able to lean on our support network as we’d expected to.

Thankfully the online adoption community is amazing and has been a huge support to us.

Our little girl’s adoption order was granted in December 2020 - the perfect early Christmas present. We’ve faced sleepless nights ever since but my word she is worth it!

I run Adoption UK’s LGBTQ+ group which was set up in November of 2020 and we meet virtually every second Wednesday of the month at 8pm. We get together for an hour and discuss whatever people on the call want to cover. To date we have talked about introductions, letterbox contact, school advocacy, how to meet other adopters for growing support networks and more.

I am so passionate about the group. Facilitating such a supportive environment for other adopters is important to me because, having adopted during Covid, I really felt the effect of not being able to build in person relationships with other parents. I also wanted to broaden links for LGBTQ+ adopters across the country. The adoption community is unique and special and I am so proud to be a part of it.

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