We spoke to three of our fantastic volunteers about what sparked their interest in volunteering with AUK Scotland and asked them to share a little about their experiences.

Chris runs a group for adopters with teens and young adults in Edinburgh. They meet once a month, alternately at Wetherspoons and the Eric Liddell Centre, and also plan other activities such as ten pin bowling. The group also recently met with civil servants from the Scottish Government to present and discuss issues for adopted teens, young adults and their families. 

What led you to become a network volunteer, and what does your role involve? 

I have been lucky enough to work with and receive support through AUK Scotland in the past. I volunteered for purely selfish reasons as I needed a peer support network that understood what it was like to parent older teens and young adults and knew others needed this too. I organise a peer support network for those parenting older teens and young adults. We meet monthly in person.

What do you enjoy about organising a network? 

I’ve met some amazing adoptive parents who are really committed to doing the best they possibly can for their children. They are an inspiration. 

Do you have a ‘Best Community Network Volunteer Moment’? 

Seeing the group come together to present evidence to a group of civil servants about the challenges our families face and some potential solutions.

Have you got any advice for someone thinking of becoming a network volunteer? 

Be open to feedback - and take it on board!

'There's a real sense of helping and making things happen'

Fiona is an event volunteer, helping support adoptive families at various AUK community events across Scotland. 

What motivated you to volunteer for AdoptionUK Scotland?  

I believe very much in what AUK provides and wanted to play a more active part of that support network. I had gained a lot of really valuable knowledge from other AUK members early on in our adoption journey and so wanted to "pay it forward".

Can you tell us about some of the events you have worked at, and what you enjoy about volunteering? 

I've helped out at an FASD conference, a group for parents and toddlers, and an activity weekend. There's a real sense of helping and making things happen. It's been good for my confidence and I enjoy learning new skills and meeting people.

What would you say to anyone thinking of volunteering at an Adoption UK event?

I would say that it's worthwhile to get involved as it is quite fun and gives you a real sense of contributing to an important source of support. 

'Plan things you and your children will enjoy - it's a win-win!'

Nicola and Scott jointly run a support network in Aberdeen for adoptive families in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire. The group meets monthly, alternately online and in person, and have had a variety of outings as well as hosting speakers on adoption related themes at their online meetings. Nicola spoke to us about her experiences. 

What led you to become a network volunteer, and what does the role involve for you? 

I wanted to create a support network for myself and others. And for my son to never feel alone in his experiences. Part of the role includes asking families what they would like from the group, as well as organising in-person family events and virtual meetings for parents. And lots of picnics!

What do you enjoy about organising a network?   

My son getting involved and helping getting things ready. He likes having a role in the group. Before our “dinovember” party he made up the party bags and decided to decorate each one for the children coming. It was lovely to see him thinking of others!   

Do you have a ‘Best Community Network Volunteer' moment? 

One girl was amazed that all the children at one of our events were adopted - up until then she’d never met anyone else who was adopted! 

Have you got any advice for someone thinking of becoming a network volunteer?  

Plan with your group… and before you have a group to ask - plan things you and your children will enjoy so if you have people join you it’s a bonus - it’s win- win!