News and blogs Latest blogs Adopting siblings - the AUK view Of the 2,030 children waiting to be adopted, almost half are part of a sibling group. The latest #YouCanAdopt campaign, run by adoption agencies in England, launches today and is encouraging more people to come forward to adopt siblings. Placing brothers and sisters together is a complex decision and isn’t right for all children waiting to be adopted. But many adopted children flourish alongside their siblings, benefiting from a strong sense of belonging and the preservation of birth family ties. Positive sibling relationships can provide a source of resilience for children facing adversity and give them continuity at a time of change and uncertainty. When this happens, the rewards can be immense for both children and parents. There will undoubtedly be challenges along the way for parents who adopt sibling groups. These might include intense rivalry, dysregulated play and the re-enactment of controlling and abusive ways of doing relationships. Long-term, specialist support is vital if these families are to thrive. Advocating for a fit for purpose modern adoption system is the day-day work of Adoption UK, and we won’t stop until every adoptive family and adopted person receives the service and support they deserve. Over the next two weeks we’ll be sharing the stories of a number of people who’ve been touched by sibling adoption. Keep an eye on our website and social channels for tips, advice and inspirational tales. To find out more about the campaign, visit Manage Cookie Preferences