For families and professionals who may feel ‘stuck’ with how best to move forward to meeting the needs of the family, the Psychology and Therapy Hub (PATH) team can offer parents a psychological and trauma informed assessment alongside tailored therapeutic support for their needs to help them feel heard and listened to. Parents will develop skills and resources to provide safety and stability with family relationships and home life.


Referrals process and funding

In England an assessment of therapeutic need may be funded by an application to the ASF (Adoption Support Fund) or through local authority or self-funding.

In Scotland and Wales an assessment of therapeutic need may be self-funded or funded by a local authority or adoption agency.

If you are a family interested in being referred for an assessment of therapeutic you may wish to speak with the relevant local authority or adoption agency to discuss them making a referral on your behalf. We are also open to self-referrals. Please see downloadable referral forms below which should be completed and returned to [email protected]

PATH referral form (for social worker to complete)

PATH referral form (for self-referral)


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