Adoption UK - 50th Anniversary

Adoption UK 50 Years logoAdoption UK is 50! 

50 is a big milestone, and an opportunity to pause, reflect and plan for the futureFor 50 years we have supported, advocated, championed and been there for adoptive families around the UK.

Today our cause is as clear and compelling as ever; to secure the right support at the right time for the children at the heart of every adoptive and kinship care family.  

For Adoption UK, this all began in 1971, when Elvis Presley and The Jackson 5 were in the charts, a gallon of petrol was 33p and two adopters starting running a voluntary organisation from their homes, for adopted children with special needsAdoption has changed a lot since then, and so have we. 

Contact us at [email protected]

Hi, I’m Ali and I have been an adoption social worker for 9 years now. In that time, I have never taken for granted the role I play in creating families through adoption. My motivation for adoption work stems from my enjoyment of connecting with people and developing long term, trusting relationships. I enjoy getting to know people and listening to their stories – every assessment is different, full of surprises and it’s fair to say it never gets boring!

I have learnt so much both professionally and personally from adopters and their children. They never fail to amaze me with their dedication, patience, empathy and resilience. I often hold my families ‘in mind’ and draw upon examples from them in my own parenting! It is a privilege to be part of their journey and I am still in touch with many of the families I have worked with over the years.

Of course, there are more challenging aspects of my role and it is incredibly hard to see parents and children in turmoil. I hope that by being alongside families to recognise and accept these struggles and feelings, there is a sense of partnership and reassurance, to cope through the tougher times together.

What does my job say about me as a person? Well, mainly that I care about children; that I respect and value adopters and want to support them through their parenting journey; that I am dedicated to providing children with the best life chances possible and that I want to make a difference.

I feel proud of my career so far, but I feel most proud of the families and children that I have worked with. They are all just as big a piece of my journey, as I am of theirs. Adoption in all it’s facets can be heart-breakingly tough at times, but it is heart-warmingly wonderful too.’

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