FASD Hub Scotland provide a support service for parents/carers (adoptive and biological parents, foster carers, kinship carers and step parents) across Scotland who live with children, young people and young adults who have a history of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), with or without an FASD diagnosis. 

The service extends to provide a point of reference and training for professionals who work with and support these families (social work, education and other third sector organisations/charities) within Scotland.

The support model enables information, advice, support, training, resources, and signposting to be provided through a variety of direct and indirect contact points.  This enables families and professionals to engage at the point that best suits their needs.  Through our social media and website, we can engage with people living outside Scotland.

We were launched officially in June 2019. The service is hosted and managed by Adoption UK in Scotland, with all staff employed by Adoption UK, and funded by the Scottish Government.

Our Service Model

All team members of the FASD Hub Scotland team have either lived experience of parenting a child with FASD/PAE or a professional background relevant to the experiences and knowledge needed to support families.  

Meet the FASD Hub Team