The workshops FASD & Sleep with Sleep Action Struggling with Sleep? Join Sleep Action for their workshop "Build your own sleep plan" - A practical workshop looking at sleep, with information, tips and practical ideas to create a tailored and effective sleep strategy for your child. FASD in Education with Paula Gilhooley, Education Advisor, Adoption UK Join Paula Gilhooley, Adoption UK’s Education Advisor for a workshop on FASD in Education, and tips on how to seek support for your child. FASD & Trauma with Dr. Lorraine Lockhart, Psychology and Therapy Hub (PATH), Adoption UK We’ve all heard of trauma, but what does it mean and how does it relate to our children and young peoples’ experiences of FASD? This workshop will be led by Dr Lorriane Lockhart, Clinical Psychologist in the PATH Team at Adoption UK. Sensory Issues with Psychology and Therapy Hub (PATH), Adoption UK Struggling with sensory overload? Join Adoption UK’s Occupational Therapists who will be sharing insights and strategies into how to support our children and young people. FASD: The Teenage Years with FASD Hub Scotland, Adoption UK The dreaded teens – or does it have to be? Join FASD Hub Scotland as they unpack some of the common challenges of teenage-hood through the FASD lens. FASD: The Path to Diagnosis with Fetal Alcohol Advisory, Support and Training (FAAST) Team Struggling with Diagnosis? Not sure where to start? Join this workshop hosted by the Fetal Alcohol Advisory Support and Training (FAAST) Team from the University of Edinburgh who will guide you through the process. Manage Cookie Preferences