Half Term Family Silent Disco, Face Painting and Toasted Marshmallows!

Mollington Village Hall, Chestnut Road, Mollington, nr Southam/Banbury OX17 1BG

 Back by popular request, our Half Term family silent disco. 

·        Family dances including the AUK silent disco version of the “Hokey Cokey!”

·        Professional face painter

·        Family nurture table with Play-doh and colouring

·        Toast your own marshmallows in the garden

·        Sit-down tea party

This event is funded by the National Lottery.

Please ensure you book places for each member of your family who will be attending so that we can accurately plan for the event. 

·        Contact Simon the host of this meet-up for more information: [email protected] 


Large free car park adjacent to the Village Hall


Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Family disco ticket

Decrease Increase £0.00