This course examines some of the possible causes of behavioral challenges and primary school-related difficulties. 

Led by Nicola, an experienced adoptive parent, you will be supported to:

  • Consider how behavioral difficulties impact on relationships, teaching and learning in the classroom. 
  • Discuss effective strategies for supporting your child in school. 
  • Appreciate how your experience might affect the way you support your child in school. 


"Nicola is a lovely leader for the training. Very easy to listen to, and very receptive."


"Very helpful and supportive"


"I thought it was really helpful. We found Nicola really approachable. It was so interesting that she was able to talk from her personal experience and she fielded all our many questions really well"


Nicola Marshall is a speaker and published author in the field of developmental trauma and education. As an adoptive parent to three children, Nicola has personal experience of living with the impact of early trauma. She started her training company 10 years ago – BraveHeart Education- in response to the growing need of educators to understand the challenges for vulnerable children within the educational system. 

If you have any questions about this course, please email [email protected]

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Training: Introduction to Child on Parent Violence (CPV) Secondary Age Children Find out more

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Children who struggle in primary school

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