Anecdotally there is an increase in families calling social services because they are overwhelmed by trying to keep their children safe and in turn keeping others safe.  Teenage children and young people are becoming active ‘risk vectors’ between home and those they meet up with outside home. There is also some evidence of an increase in Child-to-Parent violence (CPV), and of families turning to more draconian parenting methods, thereby turning up the heat at home.  

Police have started to fine young people found breaking lockdown rules.  

It’s important to remind yourself that you can’t force young people to comply with the rules you would like them to followYou can only do your best. You can increase the chances of them complying by the way you communicate with them, by modelling the behaviour you would like to see in them, and by providing non-verbal reminders. For example, try leaving hand sanitiser by the front door and in your young person’s room so that they can use it when they return home. 

Piling on the nurture can also help, to address the need behind their rejecting behaviour and give sense of value & belonging. Deliberately give comfort food, run them a bath, take every opportunity to praise them. Make sure that you give yourself the same nurture in return.  

If you are at risk of, or already experiencing violence and aggression from your child, and are concerned that attempts to make them stay at home will escalate the situation, prioritise keeping yourself and the rest of your household as safe as possible. If your young person leaves the house, they may be approached by members of the Police force, which might help them to understand the importance of staying at home. As far as possible, try to ensure that home feels a calm and safe place to be, and encourage your young person to engage with their friends using technology as safely as possible.