Professional background
I have many years experience of working in the National Health Service, initially as a nurse and then as a Senior Manager at an Operational and Strategic level. My most resent post was in Strategic Planning at Health Board level and where I was involved in the planning of the new Children and Young Peoples Hospital. I now work as the organiser of a small charity providing a lunch/social club for older people. This has given me knowledge and understanding of working in the third sector and the rewards and challenges this brings.

Personal/professional interest in adoption
As an experienced adoptive parent, I live with the impact of my sons neglect from conception until when he was accommodated at 2 years of age. This early trauma presents him (and us) with challenges every day. On the other hand, we also live with the joy and fun that being his parents brings!

There seems to be an increasing understanding that the children we adopt are not the relinquished babies of the past but rather children who have been accommodated due to neglect. The impact of early trauma on their development is now beginning to be understood and acknowledged. The Scottish Governments emphasis on increasing awareness on the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and how this relates to adopted children gives us the opportunities to seek increased support and understanding for adoptive families. Since becoming an adoptive parent, changing the public and politicians perceptions of adoption and the impact of early trauma has become a focus of mine. I feel that we are at a pivotal time in terms of being able to influence this agenda for adoption in Scotland and I want to be part of the work that moves this forward.

As a family, we love to go out together, walking and in particular, visit beaches or just spending time together. We also like to spend time with our extended family, visiting, cooking and having fun together. For self care, I like to walk, alone or with company, and near the beach if possible.