What’s the best way to formulate government policies about adoption? Talk to adopters and adopted people about what works.  

In the UK, the stars are a bit aligned at the moment, giving some genuine opportunities to influence the shape of adoption policy.  

In England whave a Children’s Minister and an Education Secretary who care about adoption, a Care Review about to kick off, and a brand-new Children’s Commissioner with a stall to lay out. In Northern Ireland a new Adoption & Children’s Bill is about to start its journey through legislative approval. In Scotland and Wales there are imminent national elections with parties jostling to be seen to be ambitious about everything from inequality to mental health and education. Everywhere, there are plenty of opportunities to support the most vulnerable children – and that includes ours – to move on from Covid 

Our Adoption Barometer surveys are open until midnight on Sunday 28th February.  

Barometer Survey 2021

For the first time this year, we also have a survey for adopted people aged 16 and over. 

The surveys explore the experiences of everyone from prospective adopters to established adoptive families and adopted people. Thousands of people have already responded. A sneak peak at the results reveals rich information about the choices people make when they start their adoption journey, what makes for successful family support, and the factors that influence the adults our children will become.    

In June, we’ll publish what adopters and adopted people tell us, in our 3rd annual Adoption Barometer report, which we’ll be presenting to everyone from Government ministers to leaders in the social care, health and education sectors.  

This is an important moment in the way governments shape their thinking about their most vulnerable children. All of us who care about adopted children must make the most of it.  

Alison Woodhead,
Director of Public Affairs & Communications