FASD Hub offers training to parents and caregivers who are parenting an individual with a history of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) with or without a FASD diagnosis. We also offer training to those who support families, in particular those working in education, health, the Third Sector and those supporting families in adoption, fostering and kinship care services. 

If you are a clinical practitioner or allied health professional in Scotland, you can find information and training relevant to you by visiting the Fetal Alcohol Advisory Support & Training (FAAST) Team’s website - https://www.faast.ed.ac.uk

All our training has been developed with input from those with lived experience and experts working in the field of FASD, and if you are a parent, carer or professional in Scotland, places on our scheduled training are fully funded. Parents, carers and professionals from other UK nations can purchase places with a discount available for Adoption UK members. 

To help us all make the most of the session, we have introduced a Etiquette guide for online training. Please familiarise yourself with it ahead of the session.

Training Etiquette Guide

Training for Parents & Carers

What is FASD? Parents & Carers Session

Are you a parent or carer of someone who has been prenatally exposed to alcohol?  

Do you want to know more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)? 

This 3 hour course covers topics such as: 

  • How alcohol affects the developing fetus 
  • FASD, its prevalence and how it affects people 
  • The diagnostic process (Scotland, England & Wales) 
  • Signposting to additional resources and information 

There will also be an opportunity to ask our FASD Advisors any questions you may have.  

All attendees will receive a digital handbook after the session. 

Visit our Eventbrite Page for latest availability

FASD: Next Steps for Caregivers

This course takes place over 2 sessions and attendance at both sessions is required to complete the course. We strongly recommend that attendees have previously attended “What is FASD?” or have a strong knowledge of FASD already.  

Building on your existing knowledge of FASD, this course delves deeper into how we can support people with FASD or a prenatal alcohol exposure history.  

Topics include: 

How alcohol affects the developing brain 

Common challenges, including trauma, masking and cognitive fatigue 

Reframing our thinking through an FASD lens 

Strategies for success 

Attendees will be invited to join follow up reflective groups to continue their learning and gain peer support should they wish. All attendees will receive a digital handbook after the session. 

Visit our Eventbrite Page for latest availability

Connective Parenting using the Principles of NVR

This connective parenting course is aimed at parents/carers parenting an individual with FASD or Pre-natal Alcohol Exposure. It is structured around the principles of Non Violent Resistance to enable parents/carers to parent their child/ren through the development of strong connective relationships and to manage difficult behaviours. The course is practical in nature, taking attendees through the key elements of the NVR map (not sit-ins or announcements) and providing suggested strategies for parents/carers to implement in the home.

Visit our Eventbrite page for latest availability

 Helping Sleep Happen (FASD Session)

Workshop with AUK sleep counsellor and member of FASD Hub who are also experienced adopters, foster & kinship carers about why our children can find it difficult to settle, fall asleep and stay asleep.

We will explain some of the science of sleep, chat about the positive (and negative) influences on good sleep, and the particular issues our children and young people may have.

Visit our Eventbrite page for latest availability

Training for Those Supporting Families

What is FASD? Insights and Strategies for Professionals

This course is for all those who support families and work in education, the Third Sector and those in social work supporting adoptive, fostering and kinship families. It is delivered either as a 3-hour or 2-part (90 min) course. A handbook will be provided so you can continue your learning in your own time.

The course cover topics including:

  • How alcohol affects the developing fetus
  • FASD, its prevalence and how it affects individuals
  • Brain development, and how alcohol affects brain development
  • Common challenges for individuals with FASD
  • Reframing our thinking
  • Strategies for success

Visit our Eventbrite Page for latest availability

Commissioned and Bespoke Training

All of our courses for parents, carers and those who support them are available for organisations to commission the FASD Hub to deliver on a spot-purchases basis. This is available throughout the UK. 

We also offer 1 free 60 minute session to adoptive, fostering and kinship families in each local authority area (Scotland only).

In addition to the courses listed, we can also offer a 90min "Introduction to FASD" webinar session which includes a presentation and a Q&A with a panel of people with lived experience.

For availability and costs, email us at [email protected] 

If you need support, information, or advice you can speak to one of our FASD Advisors by calling our FASD Advice Line on 0300 666 0006 (option 2), open Tuesday – Friday 10am-2.30pm.  Alternatively, you can email the team at [email protected].