Understanding the value of Peer-to-Peer support is key to anyone having a family through adoption.

Our popular peer-led learning programmes run for eight weeks. They are led by our professional adopter trainers, who are adoptive parents themselves, and therefore understand the challenges and rewards of parenting an adopted child. 

The programme provides learning and peer support to adopters at often critical stages of their journey, helping them build their knowledge, implement strategies, grow their connections and strengthen their networks.

We can tailor these specialist support groups to meet adopters needs. We run groups focusing on child to parent violence, parenting teens, FASD and a whole range of other issues.

In England, many of our courses fall within the remit of the Adoption Support Fund. 

Contact: [email protected]

The feedback we get from professionals: 

This is the best overall and most extensive adoption training course I have encountered in my fifteen years in the adoption/ foster and trauma field.

Bryan Post on Parenting Our Children, Founder of The Post Institute, Lecturer and Author, 2015 


The feedback we get from adopters:  

Before the course, there seemed to be no hope for our family. Now we have grounds for real optimism.

After 14 years as an adoptive parent, this is the first time I have attended any course where somebody spoke from experience.